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Centre of Excellence

Ontario Trails Council - Trail Signage Guidelines

OTC’s series of sign guidelines will assist the trail steward with risk management by standardizing trai...

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Ontario Trails Council - Hiking Trail Guidelines

It is imperative that trail stewards inform potential trail users of what to expect on the trail, what provisi...

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Spring Check-in: What Needs to be Done to Prep for Summer

Springtime means preparing both facilities and staff for a change in activities and workflows. From a risk man...

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Irreversible Extreme Heat: Protecting Canadians and Communities from a Lethal Future

This guide from the Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation presents a series of practical actions that individual...

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Getting Nature on the Balance Sheet: Recognizing the Financial Value Provided by Natural Assets in a Changing Climate

This paper from the Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation calls for the recognition of the financial value provi...

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Wildfire-Ready: Practical Guidance to Strengthen the Resilience of Canadian Homes and Communities

This report from the Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation presents a user-friendly synthesis of best pract...

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Municipal Flood Risk Check-Up

The Municipal Flood Risk Check-Up from the Intact Centre for Climate Adaptation, in partnership with IPE, has...

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