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Centre of Excellence

Risk Management Considerations for Waivers of Liability

In Loychuk v. Cougar Mountain Adventures Ltd. (2011), 81 C.C.L.T. (3d) 89, 2011 CarswellBC 275 (B.C. S.C.), th...

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Risk Management Considerations for Waivers of Liability Update

In May 2012, we released an article on the important role that waivers play in a well-managed risk management...

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Risk Management Considerations for Winter Activities

Recreational activities increase the municipality's exposure to liability. With the cold temperatures and...

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Risk Management Considerations for Wood Stoves

All installations and inspections must be completed by a Wood Energy Technology Transfer (WETT) certified inst...

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Risk Management Considerations for Wood Working, Auto and Tech Shop Standards for Schools

Technological studies such as wood working and auto mechanics offer students valuable skill. But these classes...

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Risk Management Considerations for Wood Working Shops and Facilities

Woodworking shops are inherently prone to fires and explosions. They contain large quantities of fuel in the f...

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Risk Management Considerations for Managing the Risks of Workplace Violence

So, as an employer you have done your risk assessments, put your workplace violence and harassment policies in...

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Risk Management Tips for Fraudulently Induced Transfer Social Engineering Fraud

Risk management tips to protect your organization from Fraudulently Induced Transfer.

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Risk Management Considerations for Staff Communication and Documentation

When dealing with special needs clients, it is imperative that staff communicate and document on a regular bas...

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