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City of Fredericton, New Brunswick

City of Fredericton’s Neighbourhood-Level Flood Risk Portal


The City of Fredericton Flood Risk Portal is a public web portal that helps homeowners understand the level of flood risk associated with their property so they can be more prepared to address potentially flood risks . 

Recent modelling has shown the City of Fredericton will experience more annual rainfall in fewer days indicating more intense bursts of significant precipitation. The portal will provide residents with information including maps, potential risks and expected impacts, guidance on reducing risk and many other useful resources. 

Over the past year, the City of Fredericton has been hard at work designing and testing the many layers of their online portal and are finally ready to launch the tool to the public in July 2023.

Considerations for adopting a Flood Risk Portal

  • Level of detail for users. Originally, the City of Fredericton sought out to provide flood risk information at a neighbourhood level. When determining neighbourhood boundaries for the map, it was found to be easier to provide information at an individual property level. This was not only more specific, but also easier to communicate to users. When adopting a similar program, consider how specific you want to be in the details.  
  • Set clear timelines and expectations. When working with multiple teams and outside consultants, it is important to make sure everyone is on the same page as far as expectations and timelines.  
  • Be prepared for, and mindful of real-world events. Extreme weather events due to climate change are increasing in frequency and severity. Have a back-up plan and be mindful of your messaging should you need to adjust your strategy.   

With the launch of the portal, the city hopes to increase flood awareness about risks and impacts to a home or business and increase the ability to reduce that risk or act on short notice.

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