Risk transfer is one of the most important components of an effective risk management strategy. Contractual risk transfer is so important that IPE has created this webinar series to highlight how best to effectively transfer risk using contracts and agreements. In each session, we will tackle the unique challenges of partnering with non-profits, contractors, or other municipalities and pinpoint the necessary steps to do it right.
Lease Agreements
Lease and rental agreements are as varied as the properties they govern: from large warehouses to open fields, to skate-sharpening booths at a rec facility. Effectively transferring risk to the tenant of the space, or in some cases, the landlord, is a foundational responsibility that must be factored into any rental agreement. In this latest session in the Transferring Risk Intentionally series, Tracy Eso will address the importance of:
- Hold-harmless and indemnity language
- Liability for leasehold improvements
- Tenant’s legal liability
- The persistent hazard of handshake agreements
- Waivers of subrogation
By reviewing real-life claim scenarios, you will understand who needs a lease agreement, the potential pitfalls of “boiler-plate” agreements, and how a lease can guide insurance professionals when a claim occurs.
Event Details
Date: Tuesday, June 17th
Time: 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. ET
Register Now
Catch-up on past sessions:
Successful Special Events
In the first webinar of the “Transferring Risk Intentionally” series we look at the challenges that municipalities face when organizing special events. From pop-up markets, to parades, though they enliven and bolster community spirit, they can also create unique hazards and unexpected risks that a municipality must address. Oftentimes, dealing with non-profit organizers or community groups adds complexity to the planning of these celebrations. In this 60-minute session, we will review the importance of formalized procedures and agreements with Tracy Eso, from the Risk Management Department of IPE. The session will discuss:
- When to retain responsibility or transfer it over to an organizer and how to do it properly.
- Essential components of the agreement: why a handshake will not do!
- What Additional Insured status means to the municipality and to the organizer.
- Why incident reports still matter.
Securing Safe Roads and Trails
In the second webinar of the “Transferring Risk Intentionally” series we discuss how roads and trailways are one of the most significant areas of responsibility for a municipality. Understanding ways those exposures can be effectively mitigated by the use of contracts as well as partnerships will be the topic of this informative session with IPE’s own Brian Anderson, Roads Specialist and Tracy Eso, Risk Assessment and Solutions Specialist. In this 60-minute session Tracy and Brian will discuss:
- Partnerships with neighbouring communities, non-profit organizations, or private property owners to ensure that risk exposures on trails are properly managed.
- Managing responsibilities with third-party contractors who build or provide maintenance services on municipal roadways.
- Encroachments and easements – managing the interplay between public responsibilities and private property.
- Optimal procedures for assuming new roads and infrastructure.
Shared Services and Mutual Agreements
Municipalities across our country share services with neighbouring communities and upper-tier municipalities in order to function effectively and within budget. The agreements between parties are often dated and not properly documented. In this next session of our Transferring Risk Intentionally series, Tracy Eso will address the pitfalls of these sometimes historical agreements which are used for:
- Shared emergency services
- Building code inspections
- Maintenance services
- Historical arrangements that become “grand-fathered”
We will discuss the important considerations when arranging shared services and discuss claims studies to review the way these agreements perform in a claims scenario.
View the recording here.
Meet Tracy Eso
Tracy Eso, Risk Assessment and Solutions Manager, Intact Public Entities
With over 20 years’ experience in the insurance industry, Tracy has created risk management and claims solutions for a myriad of clients and continues to champion the belief that the best risk management practices can be determined by closely examining past claims experiences. Tracy is passionate about delivering unique customer service solutions within the risk management and risk transfer space. Tracy is an instructor for the Insurance Institute of Canada teaching future insurance professionals in the industry. She has spoken at several conferences on topics ranging from Insurance Fraud to Liability Claims.