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Education Centre

IPE’s Education Centre is your insurance and risk management learning destination!


Knowledge is one of your organization's greatest assets when it comes to managing risk and your general insurance needs. We've designed the Education Centre to be a one-stop shop to make it easier for you to know what education sessions we have scheduled.

Our educational sessions are developed with your unique operations in mind. We've tailored each session to deliver relevant and critical information about the risk your organization may face because we know prevention is as critical as protection.

For quick reference, bookmark our Education Centre to stay up-to-date on all of our educational events. 

COMING SOON: Municipal Liability Expert Series
Introducing IPE’s new liability series! In This series we will introduce the general liability that a municipalities are is exposed to and the different ways that municipal entities to can create defences against the claims that they are faced with. Industry experts will provide insights and perspectives on topics ranging from municipal alcohol policies to building department codes. Watch for registration details coming soon. 

NEW Sessions Just Announced: Transferring Risk Intentionally Series
Risk transfer is one of the most important components of an effective risk management strategy. Contractual risk transfer is so important that IPE has created a webinar series to highlight how best to effectively transfer risk using contracts and agreements. In the first two sessions, we will tackled the unique challenges of partnering with non-profits, contractors, or other municipalities and pinpoint the necessary steps to do it right. To view the recordings of part one and two of this series and to register for the upcoming sessions click here.

Sessions just announced!

The Difference a Day Makes: Claims-Made vs. Occurrence Policies

This webinar will break down the difference between claims-made and occurrence-based policies. Gain a deeper understanding on the key differences between the policy types including, why it matters, what to be aware of when obtaining new policies and how the policies perform in a claims scenario. More event details.

Date: Tuesday, April 29th
Time: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. ET.
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What You Need to Know About Your Board’s D&O
Directors' & Officers' Insurance is a unique type of coverage that protects the organization, as well as individual board members, against some specific forms of liability. We will discuss why D&O is necessary, who is covered, coverage types and why a retroactive date is important when placing coverage. More event details.

Date: Wednesday, May 21st
Time: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. ET.
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Transferring Risk Intentionally Series:
Lease Agreements
Next up in the "Transferring Risk Intentionally" series, we will address through real-life claims scenarios, lease agreements and the breakdown of responsibility and liability between landlords and tenants. More event details. More event details.

Date: Tuesday, June 17th
Time: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. ET.
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Homeless Encampments and Municipal Bylaws: Key Legal Precedents and Charter Implications
Homeless encampments are a growing challenge for municipalities. IPE’s Paralegal, Ashlyn Steele will examine the practical complexities and obligations of managing encampments through the analysis of three landmark court cases. More event details.

Date: Thursday, April 3rd
Time: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. ET.
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Driver Training: Building an Effective Driver Coaching Program
IPE’s Fleet Specialist, Sud Malhotra will guide you through the essentials of establishing an effective Driver Coaching program that prioritizes safety, skill development, and operational excellence. Learn practical strategies and gain actionable insights to create successful programs that empower drivers and enhances the safety of your organization. More event details.

Date: Tuesday, April 15th
Time: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. ET.
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Maximizing Fleet Compliance: Building a Robust Vehicle Maintenance Program
IPE’s Fleet Specialist, Sud Malhotra is back to explain the core components of an effective vehicle maintenance program ensuring your operations run smoothly and your vehicles stay in top condition. This webinar will provide valuable insights to optimize your vehicle maintenance practices regardless of the size of your fleet. More event details.

Date: Tuesday, May 13th
Time: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. ET.
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Micromobility: Risk Mitigation Strategies for Municipalities

Join IPE’s Roads Specialist, Jaden Hodgins for a robust overview of micromobility and the unique opportunities, challenges and risks it presents for municipalities. More event details.

Date: Thursday, June 5th
Time: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. ET.
Register Now