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Education Centre

IPE’s Education Centre is your insurance and risk management learning destination!


Knowledge is one of your organization's greatest assets when it comes to managing risk and your general insurance needs. We've designed the Education Centre to be a one-stop shop to make it easier for you to know what education sessions we have scheduled.

Our educational sessions are developed with your unique operations in mind. We've tailored each session to deliver relevant and critical information about the risk your organization may face because we know prevention is as critical as protection.

Stay tuned for the launch of our Education Centre fall lineup. Here's a sneak peek of what will be on the agenda:

  • Importance of good documentation and how this data can be used to effectively demonstrate robust operations in the event of an investigation/defence.
  • Risk management practices for cyber exposure to limit your liability and ensure privacy compliance.
  • Cyber security communications planning to maintain public trust and manage the potential for reputational risk.

  • Using MMS as a tool to protect municipalities against road-related claims and prepare for winter.
  • The complex world of MTO compliance.
  • Using telematics to help make your fleets safer and more efficient.

Don't Forget to Pre-register Now: Safety On Your Side Symposium
Designed with municipal decision makers, and road maintenance and safety professionals in mind, this in-person event was developed to support your municipality’s on-going efforts to make your roads safe. More event details.

Date: Wednesday, October 16th
Location: Sutton, ON
Pre-register Now

  • A “Municipal Matters” series session on zoning and planning and how elected, as well as administrative, officials can understand and avoid the pitfalls of unbridled development.

Also coming this fall is a NEW three-part series on Contractual Risk Transfer. We will demonstrate the importance of contractual risk transfer; from road-clearing contracts to service-sharing agreements. You’ll learn where, when and how liability transfer is vital to your operations.

For quick reference, bookmark our Education Centre to stay up-to-date on upcoming educational events.