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Municipal Matters: Elected Officials’ Education Series

Thank you for joining us for this virtual education sessions developed to help elected officials gain a better understanding of the complex issues that municipalities face on a day-to-day basis and the important role Councillors play in their community. 

Stay tuned for our fall line-up coming in August

Catch up on Previous Sessions:
Special Events and User Groups: Occupier’s Liability, Contractual Risk Transfer and Creating a Best Practices for Municipal Spaces

Making a difference in your community is likely one of the reasons you chose to become a municipal leader.  Offering unique experiences within your community is an excellent way to serve your neighbours, local businesses and the region-at-large. From parades and beer gardens, to outdoor patios and festivals, municipalities bring people together to celebrate, connect and build a sense of community, but these “offerings” are not without risk. Click here to view the recording of this session.

Minimum Maintenance Standards: A Councillor’s Guide to the Importance of MMS Compliance

Compliance with standards is an important component in all aspects of managing a municipality. The Minimum Maintenance Standards (MMS) is a regulation under The Municipal Act which provides a baseline to which road maintenance activities are compared. As an elected official, you may feel the MMS does not have a significant impact on your day-to-day responsibilities but understanding MMS compliance is a fundamental responsibility to all council members. Click here to view the recording of this session.

Climate Emergencies: Creating Resilience in Our Communities and Dealing with Emergencies When They Occur

How is your community reacting to and addressing climate change? Is your municipality prepared to deliver, in some cases, life-saving services to members of your community in the event of an emergency? We know that climate emergencies are becoming rapid-fire events that can be debilitating on municipal infrastructure and drastically affect those that live in and visit our communities. Being resilient in the face of catastrophic events takes planning and forethought. Click here to view the recording of this session.

Tackling Flooding Together: A Municipal Flood Risk Check-Up

 Joanna Eyquem of the Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation talks about flood risks and the brand new Flood Risk Check-Up tool to help municipalities tackle these risks. Click here to view the recording of this session.

Effectively Leading Your Community: What Elected Officials Need to Know

Tracy Eso and Kathryn Kolaczek of Alchemy Communications address the importance of clear communication during times of crisis and discuss case studies where elected officials have an impact; either positive or negative. Click here to view the recording of this session. 

Municipal Matters: Elected Officials’ Education Series Virtual Binder

We've developed a reference binder that shares informative resource articles relevant to each session. Access your virtual reference binder here.